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Severn Rivers Trust showing of Artifishal by Patagonia


I attended the Severn Rivers Trust showing of Artifishal by Patagonia held at the Walker Theatre in the heart of Shrewsbury on Thursday night. If you do anything this weekend you should watch this absolutely amazing movie. Prepare to be depressed at the end of the movie which catalogues the decline and near extinction of the iconic salmon following decades of human impact on their habitat and genetics. It is tinged with some hope if we can just muster the support to implement the habitat changes needed to give nature the chance to restore itself. Watch it then, like me be inspired to take action, we simply can’t sit back and wait for government(s) to do this at their usual slow pace and with token budgets.

At the end of the film there were a few short words from NRW, the EA and SRT. Of note were the following:

Tight Lines


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