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Fishing charity support as you shop

Just a quick note on using AmazonSmile to benefit fishing charities. Nothing could be simpler, go to AmazonSmile, select the charity that you wish to support, when shopping with Amazon go via their Smile page, everything else works exactly the same. 

I only discovered this recently and with a relatively small number of purchases have already started contributing meaningfully to my chosen charity the Wild Trout Trust. I wrote this article as I was a little disappointed by the tiny £167 raised for this worthwhile fish conservation charity to date out of the massive £4 billion that Amazon have donated to UK charities using this community driven means of selection. When you consider how much shopping we have done online in the last 12 months during the Pandemic, and particularly with Amazon which has grown unbelievably during this period, I feel like we anglers have missed a real opportunity with not knowing about this option when shopping with Amazon. Please do give it a try, after a tough year for charities which have seen their fund raising activities restricted, this is a simple way of helping as you shop.

Happy Shopping


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