Welcome to fly fishing science.  Whether you are just starting out fly fishing or fly tying, or already on your fly fishing journey, we hope that our articles on fish science, entomology, fly tying and fly fishing adventures will inspire you to fish more frequently and with greater success.  Our aim is to promote fly fishing as a sustainable, affordable, healthy, outdoor activity, especially for children. Read More.


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Snakes and Snakebite

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There are only 3 indigenous snake species in the UK as well as a legless lizard (also called a slow worm) that might be mistaken for one. It is possible that you might... READ MORE

Frogs, Toads and Tadpoles

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There are two frog and two toad species in the UK as well as number of exotic species that may have been released. They are widespread and found in a variety of habitats... READ MORE

Fishing charity support as you shop

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Just a quick note on using AmazonSmile to benefit fishing charities. Nothing could be simpler, go to AmazonSmile, select the charity that you wish to support, when shopping with Amazon go via their... READ MORE