Beetles and Bugs

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There are over 4000 species of beetle found in Britain. Beetles are insects (Order Coleoptera) characterised by fore wings modified to form protective wing cases that cover the hind wings which are used for flight.  Most of the terrestrial beetles are less than 10 mm in size, however, there are plenty that would make for a tasty trout snack. Beetles are relatively common between April and October with the peak in the height of summer. The diversity of size, shape and colour means that a generic beetle pattern is required.

Shield bug lifted from the surface film in Lake Vyrnwy © FlyFishingScience 2018
Beetle on a flower © FlyFishingScience 2018

True bugs (Order Hemiptera) are a major insect group in the UK comprising nearly 2000 species. These include groups that you are likely to recognise like leaf hoppers, plant hoppers, spittle bugs, shield bugs, assassin bugs, lace bugs, aphids and scale insects. Bugs are relatively common between April and October with the peak in the height of summer.  As with the beetles the diversity of size, shape and colour means that a generic bug pattern is required.

Beetles (Coleoptera spp.) relative abundance (after NBN, 2018)
Bugs (Hemiptera spp.) relative abundance (after NBN, 2018)

If you are looking to buy flies:

If you prefer to tie rather than buy:

Tight Lines
