My fishing year and #Fish52 plan for 2019 has not worked out as planned, largely owing to family commitments helping my parents through long patches of ill health and downsizing into a care home to meet their needs. However, the silver lining was this also allowed me to fish in my Drakensberg spiritual home.
Despite the #Fish52 plan going awry, I have managed to fish several times in my Welsh spiritual home of Ffestiniog. With the wild brown trout season closed, I have been taking stock of the last 2 seasons reading through my fishing diary and decided to construct a draft Llynnau Gamallt Lakes fishing calendar drawing on my personal observations, those of local guides, historical accounts, similar venues and knowledge of entomology.
I note that this is a draft calendar but would be keen to hear from others about what they have encountered while fishing at Llynnau Gamallt Lakes. For instance, while the coch-y-bonddu beetle occurs in the region it is unclear if they occur at this location. Similarly, while the heather fly is prolific I am unsure if the hawthorn fly co-occurs at this location. Flying ants are also noted as a possible terrestrial that may trigger a feeding frenzy.
Tight Lines